Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church went to see the play, "Tribes".  The plot was around Billy, the deaf young man in a family of cultural vultures and writers, who have to rearrange their busy, self-centered lives around a young man who has usually had to fit into their lives.  What the play exposed us to was the concept of the "second class citizenry" of those who are deaf in our society at large, and church in particular.  But within the play we also learned about the "pecking order" within the deaf culture too, with those who are born deaf and using sign language at the "top" of the order, while those who slowly lose their hearing and becoming deaf are at the "bottom" of the pecking order.

To say the least, the play was powerful.

So a theological question: if people are born deaf, is God deaf too?



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