Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Running through the season of Epiphany to Lent

Today, after a staff meeting, we all took a deep breath and were surprised to find that we are so close to Lent.  Shrove Tue. is Feb. 9. Ash Wednesday is Feb. 10.

May we make the most of these "ordinary days" in which the extra-ordinary God we worship continues to pull us into a greater story that is changing our very lives.

Pastor Brett

Friday, December 18, 2015

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Fourth Sunday of Advent!

When did that happen?

This season has flown by.

Join us this Sunday for the fourth Sunday of Advent, along with Caring Christmas on De. 23rd, and Christmas Eve worship at 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.


Pastor Brett

Monday, November 30, 2015

St. Andrew's Feast Day

Today is the feast day of St. Andrew!

Who was St. Andrew?  Andrew was a fisherman who was minding his business--catching fish--when Jesus called him to follow him.  Andrew, along with his brother Simon Peter, are exemplars of the faith, because they dropped everything they were doing, leaving him and family, to follow Jesus of Nazareth.

The hope and prayer?  May we be like St. Andrew, dropping everything in our hands and go, follow Jesus, casting the net wide in catching people, sharing with them in body, mind, and spirit, the Good News!

Pastor Brett

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Curing Warring Madness

In the hymn by Harry Emerson Fosdick, "God of Grace and God of Glory," the third verse has always stood out to me: "Cure thy children's warring madness; bend our pride to thy control; shame oru wanton, selfish gladness, rich in things and poor in soul."

"Thy children's warring madness" came to the fore today in reading and listening to the shooting at Umpqua Community College, 180 miles from where I am writing this in Roseburg, OR. This is the 45th massacre in 2015.  45th. That is 45 too many. 13 dead. 20 year old killer, also dead.

We have a problem in this country.  It is of epidemic proportion. As a Christian community of faith, we stand foursquare against gun violence like this. And not only in this country, but anywhere in the world. Violence begets violence. Period.

"Cure thy children's warring madness" is our prayer.


Pastor Brett

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Getting back in the saddle again...

Life has been busy with us at St. Andrew's.  We had a full summer, with "Blues Vesper" and "Hear and Now," along with a heck of a picnic and music fest. And we are looking forward to our Youth Group Rummage Sale, Cuban Libre, and Cuban Auction. What these events are allowing us to experience at St. A's is an opportunity to enjoy one another.  Because it is in relationships with one another that we truly experience the Christ.

Coming up soon?  Stewardship Campaign!  And what we are looking forward to is imagining what our future is going to be as a congregation at St. A!  Get ready for opportunities to share your ideas of our collective future!


Pax! Pastor B 

Friday, June 26, 2015

New day in the United States, revealing what we already know in the Church

Today is a new day in the U.S. Today, LGBTQI and non-LGBTQI people were honored and recognized as equals under the law.  Both due process and equality under the law were met today as a Constitutional standard, and we are celebrating that.  As someone who is open and honest about who he is as a child/son of God, to be denied rights and privileges 98% of this congregation can enjoy all along, is huge. Big.

Yet within the Church (universal), the body of Christ, the household of God, we who are LGBTQI are already "equals" or fully loved, because we are all created in the image of God, and as the poster says "God doesn't make junk."

The PCUSA offices in Louisville, and the elected leadership sent out this "blurb" today in light of the ruling of the Supreme Court of the US:

“It is always good when the church is at the front end of a movement such as this and catches the spirit in the wind of where people are attempting to move society and give voice to those who have long been silenced,” said the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, director of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness. “Our task now is to educate congregations and address how the church is to engage society and our differences. It’s much more than a gay/lesbian issue. We are seeing laws overturned in favor of communities that have not always been represented.”

More here: http://www.pcusa.org/news/2015/6/26/pcusa-celebrates-supreme-court-decision-same-gende/

Pax! Pastor B

Friday, June 19, 2015

Presbytery of the Cascades is HERE at St. Andrew's!

The Presbytery of the Cascades two day meeting, June 19-20, has begun!  They are here!  And the hospitality of St. Andrew's is wonderful.

Y'all are wonderful people at St. A!

Pastor B